Friday, May 29, 2020

Clinical Skills Training Before and After First Clinical - 550 Words

Nursing Students Conception of Clinical Skills Training Before and After First Clinical (Term Paper Sample) Content: Nursing Students Conception of Clinical Skills Training Before and After First Clinical Placement NameInstitution Nursing Students Conception of Clinical Skills Training Before and After First Clinical PlacementStudy CitationStruksnes, S. and Engelien, R. (2016). Nursing students' conception of clinical skills training before and after their first clinical placement: A quantitative, evaluative study. Nurse Education in Practice, 16(1), pp.125-132. [Case Study]Research Question The study aims at making a comparison between the intellectual and practical abilities of nursing students after training and after clinical placement. In particular, the task was to administer a sponge bath to a bedridden patient. The training mimics the actual experiences that a student nurse should expect to encounter during their clinical placement. VariablesIndependent One of the independent variables is the students level of study: all are the first year Bachelor of Nursing degree student s. It is expected that all are equipped with the same degree of classroom knowledge. Also, the students had prior knowledge of the sponge bath exercise since they had participated in it. Control The control variable is the clinical practice since it is not changed throughout the exercise. Those that had failed the training were not allowed to participate in the second round of data collection. Dependent The scores on the questionnaires are dependent on whether or not the students had undertaken the simulation training exercise before embarking on the clinical practice. These scores are derived from their genuine responses.Sampling Method Stratified sampling is used in this case with the target group being Bachelor of Nursing degree students. Within the group, they are categorized further as full-time students and part-time students. From full-time and part-time students, only those that participated in clinical practice were allowed to partake in the exercise. It is the exact defi nition of stratified sampling since distinct sub-groups were investigated.Sample Participants Full and part-time first-year students of Bachelor of Nursing degree were the sample members. They were downsized to 187 students who had participated in the simulation exercise. The second round of data collection included only those who had passed the clinical practice. Eventually, 153 respondents willingly gave their feedback for analysis. The results of the study mirror those of students that undertake any simulation exercise before embarking on an internship activity. Data Analyses In this case, the data was of a nominal level because the students were either part-time or full-time scholars. There was a significant discrepancy in the number if students in both categories. There were more full-time respondents as opposed to part-time. For that reason, one is likely to encounter biases in the overall results. Therefore, the use of the Pearsons chi-squared test to eliminate the effects th is observable difference is a welcome relief. The results were not skewed. Additionally, the researchers incorporated the data tabulation method to exhibit the differences in the responses. The tables indicate the scores in all categories as well as the mean, standard deviation, and T-test measures. These enable one to realize the average responses that were obtained from the students and a conclusion can e...

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