Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Blade Of The Craft Guild - 993 Words

The Blade of the Craft Guild realized his mission would be much more difficult than he expected when less than twenty steps into the Wretched Quarter a man in a torn and dirty black robe confronted him. The Blade was covered in filth, had on a dirty and torn yellow tunic, and should have looked like any other wretched Craft Guild citizen returning from across the river. Yet the man made a beeline to him. â€Å"Name your guild,† the man asked. â€Å"I am a Custodian. I clean the floors in the Warehouse District.† The Blade couldn’t quite believe he was seeing a man in black. Maybe there was some roving gang that liked to pretend they were the heir of Pietro or something. He dropped his hand to the stiletto sheathed against his leg. â€Å"Where do you live?† The Blade nodded in some vague direction. â€Å"Over that aways.† â€Å"Which street?† The man in black was not backing down. The Blade couldn’t quite figure out what was going on, but he didn’t want to raise any alarms either. â€Å"Who wants to know?† The Blade hoped that moving to an aggressive approach might do the trick. The gang member was probably used to people cowering in front of him. To the Blade’s shock, the man in black didn’t even ask another question. He reached out and grabbed the Blade by the arm. â€Å"You’re coming with me.† The man’s grip was like iron, and the Blade was yanked nearly off his feet. Looking around, he was surrounded by quite a few people, but not enough to stop his escape, which was good as he had very few options. HeShow MoreRelatedCarpentry: Wood and Tree House2418 Words   |  10 Pagescorresponding mortise, mitering, which is creating a diagonal seam at a corner in order to make a right angle, and mortising, or cutting square or rectangular holes, into the lumber. In the twelfth century, carpenter guilds began to form. There were three kinds of member in the guild: masters, journeymen and apprentices. The master carpenter would have a lot of experience and had the ability to take in an apprentice to whom he could pass on his knowledge. The apprentice would live with the masterRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagessupplier’s involvement. Outsourcing more substantive items. The value and complexity of the outsourced items varied by relational context. For subcontractors, the items that were typically outsourced were simple components, such as radiator fan blades. In contrast, for major suppliers, they were group components, for example radiators. Finally, for family members, the outsourced items were typically major functions, such as engine-cooling systems. 136 COOPER AND SLAGMULDER The need to

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